As a young girl I enjoyed movies and TV shows that would evoked me to think outside the constrained box that I lived in. I love a story line that involves space travel. My favorites were Star Trek, Star Wars and E.T. My imagination would always run wild with the thoughts of travelling through space stopping at strange planets to meet new species and discover new ways of life.
Have you ever taken a few moments to relax and look up at the night sky? I often ponder “Are we alone in the universe?” I personally can’t believe that with all the galaxies in the cosmos that we are the only intelligent life. I’ve always had an open mind and truly believe that we as humanity need to look at life in a bigger picture than we currently do.

My challenge for you today is to replace all judgement you have in your life with the ability to see things, people and places with fresh eyes. You will find that if you stop putting a name on the things you see you will find that they become more beautiful. When you stop and look at a bird but don’t name it you will quickly see a creature that you never really noticed before, the way the creature is able to flap it’s wings and fly is truly incredible.
The only way we are going to change the world we live in is to allow the cracks to open in our structured belief system and really see each other for the first time. Let your imagination free!!!!

Definition by Wikipedia:
Universe is the name that we use to describe the collection of all the things that exist in space. It is made of many millions of millions of stars and planets and enormous clouds of gas separated by a gigantic empty space which is called the universe.